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Travel Vaccination Information

At Deddington Health Centre our Practice Nursing Team are able to provide our patients with NHS Travel Vaccinations, to qualify for this you must submit your travel information a minimum of 6 weeks prior to travel.

NHS vaccinations available through the Practice are: Polio, Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Cholera for both adults and children with additional advice and guidance on anti-malarial medication if appropriate.

Please ensure you review the travellers website, and specifically the section entitled country information prior to contacting the Practice.

We are unable to undertake travel assessments for complex travel outside of standard holiday destinations for trips over 4 weeks in duration, trips to multiple destinations or those including high risk activities which may present an increased risk to health. Individuals undertaking such trips are to contact a Travel Clinic for further information so that a full travel assessment can be undertaken. Should NHS vaccinations be recommended then these can then be arranged at the Practice subject to appointment availability.

We do not offer last minute appointments for travel under any circumstances and any vaccinations must have been received at least two weeks prior to any travel. To enable one of our Nursing Team to deal with your request please complete a Pre-Travel Assessment Form, for each individual travelling. This can be requested using our Admin Query Patient Triage Form. Please ensure you do this as soon as possible but no later than 6 weeks prior to travel.

If you fit the above criteria, your Pre-Travel Assessment Form will be reviewed by a nurse who will determine what vaccinations you require. Please be aware we only offer the vaccinations listed below. These are all free of charge:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Polio
  • Typhoid
  • Cholera

If you require other vaccinations, you can arrange these at a private travel clinic. These include:

  • Yellow Fever
  • Rabies
  • Hepatitis B
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Meningitis ACWY (for travel purposes)
  • Malaria treatment

You should expect to pay a private fee for the above travel vaccinations in a travel clinic.