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Upcoming Practice Closure Afternoon

On Wednesday 26th of February, Deddington Health Centre and Dispensary will be closed from 1pm for GP and staff training.

For on the day health needs visit NHS 111 online or call 111 or in an emergency call 999.

The health centre and dispensary will re-open on Wednesday 13th of November for our normal working hours.

Test results

Getting your test results

If your test results show that you need more tests or treatment, we will contact you.

Once a healthcare professional has reviewed your test results, you can view them:

  • in your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
  • by phoning us on 01869 338611 between 10am and 3pm, Monday to Thursday, and between 10am and midday on Fridays
  • as a text message, if you have consented and it is applicable

Blood tests and microbiology

Please wait 5 working days from when the sample was taken before trying to get results. You can view these using your NHS Account.


Once you have had a smear at the practice, a letter will be sent to your home address with the results. This should arrive about 2 weeks after the test was taken.


The results from specimens sent to the lab for pathology will take up to 10 working days to come back to us. Please use your NHS Account to get the result if the doctor has not contacted you.

Questions about your results

If you want to talk to someone about your results, use the Patient Triage service and someone will be in touch.