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Patient Participation Group

Did you know you are represented by a Patient Participation Group?

Who we are:

A group of patients of Deddington Health Centre.

We aim to be representative of the patient population across the catchment area.

We meet quarterly at the Health Centre with the Practice Manager and other representatives from the Practice.

Aims of the DHC Patient Participation Group:

  • Every GP Practice in the country is required to have a PPG and they all operate slightly differently. The DHC PPG are not a lobbying group. They represent the patient population and meet with the Management Team to discuss changes and challenges at the Practice in a supportive and consultative way.
  • To facilitate good relations between the GP Practice and patients by communicating patient experience, interests and concerns and providing feedback to the Practice on current procedures and proposed new developments.
  • To build two-way communication and co-operation between the Practice and patients, other individuals and organisations in healthcare and the wider community to the mutual benefit of all.
  • To work collaboratively and positively with the Practice to improve services and facilities for patients and to act as a sounding board for Practice staff on issues affecting patients.
  • To act as a representative group to influence local provision of health and social care.
  • Support the Practice to provide patient friendly instructions and information.
  • Promote services on offer at the Health Centre e.g. clinics, support staff, health checks

What we will do:

  • Ensure a PPG post box is sited and monitored in the waiting room of Deddington Health Centre to inform patients about the DHC PPG and allow the opportunity for feedback.
  • Distribute updates regarding the Practice discussed at quarterly PPG meetings to village newsletters.
  • Organise occasional events and help sessions as required.
  • Set up patient surveys as required.
  • Meet quarterly with the Practice Manager and other DHC representatives.
  • Monitor emails and paper communications via our post box in the surgery or our postal address.

How you can contact us:

You can contact us via our email at, or by post to Patient Participation Group, Deddington Health Centre, Earls Lane, Deddington, OX15 0TQ. There is also a PPG box in reception at the Health Centre where you can leave feedback on the reverse of this leaflet that will be forwarded to the PPG.

Patient Participation Group Files