Achievement Of 2014-15 Actions

Our actions agreed with our Patient Group last year were:

  • Housebound Patients – Raising awareness and ensuring that the practice is aware of those patients who are housebound.
  • Carers – Raising awareness that the carers role is important and that some support is available.
  • Prevention Checks – Encouraging patients, friends and colleagues to come to the surgery for check-ups.

We can report that all of the actions have been achieved.

During the seasonal influenza programme for 2014/15 the practice completed a project to ensure that as many housebound patients as possible were traced and their records updated accordingly so that a list of housebound patients can be produced at any point in time with accuracy. These patients were then offered the seasonal influenza vaccination at home. The practice has appointed a champion (administrator) to ensure that there is continued monitoring and communication with the housebound patient group. This group of patients will continue to be reviewed during the 2015/16 year.

During this same time period and alongside the Care Plans produced for patients with dementia, palliative care or avoiding emergency admissions, carer information was sought and accurately recorded onto the practice system. All carer breaks available in the area were allocated successfully. An accurate list of carers can now be produced at any point in time for us to mail shot, invite and support.

The practice has appointed a champion (administrator) to ensure that there is continued monitoring and communication with the carer patient group. This group of patients will continue to be reviewed during the 2015/16 year and a new area of the waiting room dedicated to keeping patients updated while in the practice. Further projects are also being considered.

Within the chronic disease monitoring the practice has increased the attendance of patients within these groups. There have also been improvements in the take up of NHS Health Checks, a programme designed to help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.

As part of the PPG remit for 2015/16 the group will be working on improvements within the patient waiting area, patient communications and to develop the PPG as a whole.